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Confidence is something every introvert wants, but something most don’t have.

We think that “if I was just extroverted and socially out there, I’d be more confident” but this isn’t true. 

Yes, social confidence is real but you being an extrovert doesn’t automatically make you confident.

We know many extroverts who actually lack confidence. 

Instead confidence is inside both personality types: extroverts AND introverts.

“So if it isn’t your personality type that creates confidence, what is it?”

The answer: your health, particularly your self image. 

Our self confidence (and our entire self worth for that matter) is predicated on the image we hold of our self. 

That’s right. 

Not your personality type.

Not how much money you have.

Not even your social circle.

But your self image.

Because ultimately, for all the time that we hold a negative image of self we will lack the confidence we desire. 

This revelation wasn’t something we discovered until after we went on our own health journey. 

Where after losing a combined 34lbs and getting in the best shape of our lives, everything changed.

Not only did we look great, have more energy and feel comfortable in our clothes but for the first time (in a LONG time) we had confidence. 

Yes, we had confidence even as profound introverts.

It was like everything changed for us. 

We became happier, felt good about ourselves and even put ourselves out there on social media in our own introverted way. 

By going on our health journey, we gained confidence. 

And now we want to help you have the same.


Confidence is something every introvert wants, but something most don’t have.

We think that “if I was just extroverted and socially out there, I’d be more confident” but this isn’t true. 

Yes, social confidence is real but you being an extrovert doesn’t automatically make you confident.

We know many extroverts who actually lack confidence. 

Instead confidence is inside both personality types: extroverts AND introverts.

“So if it isn’t your personality type that creates confidence, what is it?”

Your health, particularly your self image. 

Our self confidence (and our entire self worth for that matter) is predicated on the image we hold of our self. 

That’s right. 

Not your personality type.

Not how much money you have.

Not even your social circle.

But your self image.

Because ultimately, for all the time that we hold a negative image of self we will lack the confidence we desire. 

This revelation wasn’t something we discovered until after we went on our own health journey. 

Where after losing 34lbs and getting in the best shape of our lives, everything changed.

Not only did we look great, have more energy and feel comfortable in our clothes but for the first time (in a LONG time) we had confidence. 

Yes, we had confidence even as profound introverts.

It was like everything changed for us. 

We became happier, felt good about ourselves and even put ourselves out there on social media in our own introverted way. 

By going on our health journey, we gained confidence. 

And now we want to help you have the same.

"Health is the crown on the head of a well person that only the ill person can see."
- Robin Sharma


Before After

If you’re ready to get back to feeling your best then we have just the solution for you. 

It’s called Juice Plus and it’s a product we’ve used for over 8 years now.

I (Mary) originally started taking Juice Plus after my iron levels fell low during my pregnancy with Abbie.

Within just a matter of DAYS, I felt like a completely new person. 

This radical transformation to my mood, energy and skin was so profound that it had Seamus wondering what was in these magical capsules.

The answer: nutrition

In Juice Plus capsules there are 30 of the most nutrient dense fruits and vegetables packed into six capsules that yield the highest amount of antioxidants and phytonutrients – and with their delicate manufacturing process, these capsules retain ALL of their nutrients unlike other brands. 

This is why in such a short space of time, not only had my iron levels resumed back to normal, but I felt like a brand-new person.

I had an abundance of energy again.

I slept like a baby.

I woke up BEFORE my alarm.

And I got my body back in shape. 

These capsules really did work like magic, in minimal time.

But that wasn’t even the best part…

The biggest benefit to buying these capsules was that I got FREE capsules for the kids. 

These capsules were not only 100% good for you but also 100% safe for children. 

This gave us both so much relief knowing that our kids were getting the nutrition they needed (without the effort of begging them to eat their greens!). 

Because of my success with the capsules it was a matter of time before Seamus jumped on them too…


If you’re ready to get back to feeling your best then we have just the solution for you. 

It’s called Juice Plus and it’s a product we’ve used for over 8 years now.

I (Mary) originally started taking Juice Plus after my iron levels fell low during my pregnancy with Abbie.

Within just a matter of DAYS, I felt like a completely new person. 

This radical transformation to my mood, energy and skin was so profound that it had Seamus wondering what was in these magical capsules.

The answer: nutrition

In Juice Plus capsules there are 30 of the most nutrient dense fruits and vegetables packed into six capsules that yield the highest amount of antioxidants and phytonutrients – and with their delicate manufacturing process, these capsules retain ALL of their nutrients unlike other brands. 

This is why in such a short space of time, not only had my iron levels resumed back to normal, but I felt like a brand-new person.

I had an abundance of energy again.

I slept like a baby.

I woke up BEFORE my alarm.

And I got my body back in shape. 

These capsules really did work like magic, in minimal time.

Before After

If I’m honest, I (Seamus) couldn’t quite believe the results Mary was seeing…

They were so impressive that she convinced me to give them ago. 

This was impressive in it’s own right given that I had always believed that I didn’t need to watch what I eat or focus on eating fruits & veg given my labour intensive job with the stair business. 

How wrong I was! 

After a couple of months of using the products I too felt like a new person, and whilst I didn’t see the immediate benefits that Mary did, I am so glad I continued taking the products.

I later learned that every individual responds differently to the capsules at different times which is why they took longer to work for me – but work they did, I mean just look at how much healthier I am in these comparison photos!  

Photos aside, everyday I wake up with energy and a new lease for life. 

This is a transformation in itself given that I used to be that person who would repeatedly hit snooze!

Now, both me and Mary wake up BEFORE our alarm goes off at 5.30am! 

I truthfully cannot see myself ever NOT taking these again – there are just far too many benefits.

And best of all.. if they’ve worked for me and Mary then I have no doubt they can work for you too…

Before After



£ 60
  • Juice Plus+ Berry Capsules
  • Juice Plus Complete Shakes
  • Online Workouts
  • Healthy Recipes
  • VIP Group Motivation


£ 99
  • Juice Plus+ Fruit Capsules
  • Juice Plus+ Vegetable Capsules
  • Juice Plus+ Berry Capsules
  • Juice Plus+ Complete Shakes
  • Personal Coaching
  • Meal Plan
  • Online Workouts
  • Healthy Recipes
  • Shake Recipes
  • VIP Group Motivation


£ 78
  • Juice Plus+ Fruit Capsules
  • Juice Plus+ Vegetable Capsules
  • Juice Plus+ Complete Shakes
  • Online Workouts
  • Healthy Recipes
  • Shake Recipes
  • VIP Group Motivation


Meet our healthier (and wealthier) clients....


Meal prep just quicker. Our quick and easy shakes are the perfect snack, brunch or lunch! They can be used as a meal replacement or as part of a healthy meal plan. 

Diet is only one side of the coin, which is why to maximise results you will get online workouts to follow from the comfort of your home every single day. Except Sunday’s (they’re for lie ins).


Online Workouts

Diet is only one side of the coin, which is why to maximise results you will get online workouts to follow from the comfort of your home every single day. Except Sunday’s (they’re for lie ins).

Tasty Shakes

Meal prep just quicker. Our quick and easy shakes are the perfect snack, brunch or lunch! They can be used as a meal replacement or as part of a healthy meal plan. 


Meal plans don’t have to be boring or restrictive and they certainly aren’t when you work with us. We believe in balance and sustainability.


You won’t go this journey alone when you sign up to Juice Plus. Instead you’ll be part of a supportive community who share similar goals to you and who will be there to uplift you when you need it.


We understand that going on this journey is as much mental as it is physical which is why throughout the 4 months we will work to transform your mindset empowering you with the motivation and willpower you need to go all the way to reach your goals.



The hardest part of eating healthy is often knowing what to eat or eating enough varied food to get your diet enjoyable. That’s why with Juice Plus you will get a number of healthy recipes you and the whole family can enjoy as part of a balanced diet. 


Motivation is often that friend you can never rely on. Luckily for you we are here for you – every step of the way – our promise is to pick you up when you fall down. Plus, you will be apart of our like minded community who will uplift and encourage you. In other words, you are never alone on this journey.


It’s hard to fail on this journey when our products are proven to work and backed by  science to support this.

You won’t go this journey alone when you sign up to Juice Plus. Instead you’ll be part of a supportive community who share similar goals to you and who will be there to uplift you when you need it. 

Meal plans don’t have to be boring or restrictive and they certainly won’t be when you work with us. We believe in balance and sustainability.

The hardest part of eating healthy is often knowing what to eat or eating enough varied food to get your diet enjoyable. That’s why with Juice Plus you will get a number of healthy recipes you and the whole family can enjoy as part of a balanced diet. 

We understand that going on this journey is as much mental as it is physical which is why throughout the 4 months we will work to transform your mindset empowering you with the motivation and willpower you need to go all the way to reach your goals. 

Motivation is often that friend you can never rely on. Luckily for you we are here for you – every step of the way – our promise is to pick you up when you fall down. Plus, you will be apart of our like minded community who will uplift and encourage you. In other words, you are never alone on this journey.

It’s hard to fail on this journey when our products are proven to work and backed by  science to support this.


£ 57 Monthly
  • Juice Plus+ Berry Capsules
  • Juice Plus Complete Shakes
  • Online Workouts
  • Healthy Recipes
  • VIP Group Motivation


£ 96
  • Juice Plus+ Fruit Capsules
  • Juice Plus+ Vegetable Capsules
  • Juice Plus+ Berry Capsules
  • Juice Plus+ Complete Shakes
  • Personal Coaching
  • Meal Plan
  • Online Workouts
  • Healthy Recipes
  • Shake Recipes
  • VIP Group Motivation


£ 75
  • Juice Plus+ Fruit Capsules
  • Juice Plus+ Vegetable Capsules
  • Juice Plus+ Complete Shakes
  • Online Workouts
  • Healthy Recipes
  • Shake Recipes
  • VIP Group Motivation

Hey, we're Seamus and Mary.

Hey, we're
Seamus and Mary.

We’re two profound introverts who once upon a time lacked confidence and suffered with severe social anxiety. For a long time we believed this was because of our personality type, but it turned out we were wrong.

Confidence is created, not gifted meaning that if wasnt until we went through our own fitness transformation did we discover the newly created confidence that we now had. 

And now we want to help YOU have the same. 

Confidence is a superpower and once you rediscover it you will become empowered with the motivation to achieve anything you desire in your life. By getting in the best shape of our lives, we are not only healthier but are more wealthy than we ever imagined possible. Together, through great health and an abundance of wealth we have cracked the code of happiness. And we are no different to you. We made a decision to Get Started 8 years ago and that one decision changed our life. Now let us change yours. 


Your transformation is one decision away...

Frequently Asked Questions

As a general rule: all Complete products are foods which consist of ingredients typical for food. Almost all (protein-containing) food can cause allergies. The decision regarding the consumption of Complete products by those with an existing allergy must be made by the customer or their medical practitioner. Details of the ingredients in the individual Complete products can be obtained here


Complete Vanilla and Chocolate Shakes Powder

Our Complete Shake formulas contain sugar from grape juice and sugar beet. The type of sugar present is predominantly sucrose, with small amounts of glucose and fructose.

- A ready to eat portion of Complete Vanilla or Chocolate Shake prepared according with directions contain lactose (milk sugar) from the 250ml skimmed milk, beside the above listed type of sugars.

 Complete Mixed Fruit Bar

The Mixed Fruit Bars contain agave syrup and rice syrup. The fruits within the mixed Fruit Bar also contribute to the overall sweetness (e.g. cranberries, mango pieces, dates). The types of sugar provided are fructose, glucose and sucrose.

Complete Chocolate Bar

The Chocolate Bars contain agave syrup and rice syrup. The chocolate and fruits within the Chocolate Bar also contribute to the overall sweetness (e.g. cranberries, raisins, chocolate pieces). The types of sugar provided are fructose, glucose and sucrose.

Complete Vegetable Soup 

The vegetable soup contains a small amount of sugar, coming from the array of vegetables present in the formula (e.g. carrot, broccoli, onion) and the maltodextrin. The types of sugar provided are sucrose, glucose and fructose.

- A ready to eat portion of Complete Vegetable Soup prepared according with directions contain lactose (milk sugar) from the 300ml skimmed milk, beside the above listed type of sugars.

Thanks to the combination of different vegetable protein sources (soya, soya-tofu, rice and chickpeas), the protein in Complete has a high biological value (BV = measure that defines the efficiency with which protein from food can be converted into substances made naturally by the body), which means the quality of protein is exceptionally high. A protein-rich diet is advantageous when doing sports or strength training.


All Complete products are gluten-free*.


*In accordance with the latest Codex Alimentarius standard (FAO, UN, WHO, 2007) as well as the EU Regulation EU) No 609/2013 and No 828/2014. This means the gluten content in the final product is less than 20 ppm (mg/kg).

GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) The Juice Plus+ Company  Ltd. does not use foods that are made from GMO ingredients.


Soya is an essential ingredient of all Complete products. Only allergy sufferers themselves can estimate the risk of a possible allergic reaction.